The Momentum Memo
Off The Charts Business Podcast with Nathalie Lussier
Strategies for Increasing Completion Rates in Coaching Programs with Chris Davis

Strategies for Increasing Completion Rates in Coaching Programs with Chris Davis

In this episode, Chris Davis, founder of Automation Bridge and host of the All Systems Go! podcast, reveals his proven methods to increasing completion rates in a 1-to-many coaching program. 

Tune in to learn:

  • How to use automation to create a better learning experience

  • Why most 1-to-many coaching programs are missing 3 key ingredients

  • How to transition from 1-1 coaching to online group coaching

About Chris Davis

Chris is passionate about ensuring the marketing automation space is the best it can be. He has over 12 years of professional experience in automation, both corporate and entrepreneurial.

He is the full-time founder of Automation Bridge and a fractional CTO for startups. He also hosts the All Systems Go! Podcast, where he talks about deploying automated marketing and sales systems.

His website:

Highlights from this episode

1. Importance of Structuring the Learning Experience

  • Use a submission process as a data-driven approach to ensure students apply what they’ve learned.

  • The submission process should be mandated and connected to automation for user access control.

  • Incorporate worksheets within the curriculum for students to apply their knowledge.

2. Leveraging Gamification for Engagement and Motivation

  • Utilize gamification features like points, leaderboards, and badges to incentivize completion.

  • Points can be redeemed or used for tracking progress, syncing with a CRM system.

  • Badges can be used to unlock certain features or reward specific behaviors.

  • Leaderboards and visual accountability increase compliance and motivation.

3. Implementing Automation for Scalability and Efficiency

  • Automation enables scaling from one-on-one to one-to-many teaching.

  • Learning Management Systems (LMS) have built-in automation for tracking progress and sending automated emails.

  • LMS integration with CRM systems allows seamless communication and data sync.

  • Technology can handle enrollment, scheduling, and access control.

4. Creating a Controlled Learning Environment

  • Implement timed access to course materials to incentivize completion and ongoing engagement.

  • Drip access and prerequisite learning create a controlled learning environment.

  • Assessments and quizzes after each lesson gather data and optimize content delivery.

  • Foster peer-to-peer engagement and community-building for a comprehensive learning experience.


01:03 Life took me from artist to engineer.

04:40 Passionate entrepreneurs embrace technology for success.

08:59 Understanding comes from application and demonstration.

11:30 Wasted money on unfinished course, distractions discourage learning.

13:33 Automation improves website purchasing and access process.

16:07 Mind thresholds, test, apply, understand, automate.

21:27 Endless possibilities with free month and course. Automated points synced to CRM.

22:44 Auto log in and make it easy.

25:21 Automation syncs with CRM, giving badges based on criteria. LMS and CRM need to communicate.

29:45 Transitioning from one-on-one mentoring to a wider audience.

32:30 Open door policy, timed cohorts for online program.

37:52 Timed access enhances learning and retention.

38:43 Brilliant, caring approach to student success.

The Momentum Memo
Off The Charts Business Podcast with Nathalie Lussier
The Off The Charts Business Podcast is for multi-passionate entrepreneurs. Here you’ll learn how to design a scalable business to spend more time outside away from the screen, through actionable ideas, real-world examples, and pep talks from your host Nathalie Lussier, founder of AccessAlly.
Nathalie Lussier started making websites when she was 12 years old, and graduated with a degree in Software Engineering and a job offer from Wall Street. In a gutsy move, she turned down this job to start her own business right out of college.
Today, Nathalie is the CEO of the AccessAlly WordPress plugin for ambitious course creators, membership site owners, and community builders. She has been featured in Forbes, Inc., Fast Company, Venture Beat, Mashable, Business Insider, Yahoo! Finance, and Under 30 CEO.