The Momentum Memo
Off The Charts Business Podcast with Nathalie Lussier
How To Nourish Your Creativity To Stay Prolific

How To Nourish Your Creativity To Stay Prolific

how to nourish your creativity

In this Off The Charts episode, I’m diving into the answer to a question I received the other day.

Here’s the question: I’d love to know how you nourish your creative mojo? Not only regarding new products but also creating new posts and fb inspirations or newsletters consistently with love, joy and true value for your audience.

1. Prioritize quiet time.

Balance how much consumption time and creation time you give yourself. If you do too much “consuming” in the form of other people’s material like books, movies, blog posts, podcasts… it can block your own creativity because it limits how much time you have to create.

You don’t have to ignore everyone completely – but you do want to make enough time to reconnect with your own self and voice.

2. Re-connect with your why and your people.

Whenever I feel like I don’t know what to write about, usually it’s because I’m on a deadline…but also because I don’t know why I’m working on this particular project, or who it’s going to help.

Always take time to reconnect with your people to put yourself in their shoes. It’ll help you understand better what they need to hear from you.

3. Batch and automate.

If you’ve ever been to my Facebook page, you’ll see that we don’t create new content every single day. We’re not reactive on a day-to-day basis…instead, let automation tools repurpose your content. This frees you up to do your content creation in longer chunks of time.

4. Let ideas come to you, and then use them before they expire.

When I get an idea, usually it’s when I’m doing something other than work. But it’s important to capture the energy and essence of it before it goes away. When you get those inspirational nudges, it’s usually for a reason.

So treat those ideas with respect and give them the attention they deserve right away, before you lose insight or enthusiasm to make it happen!

5. Take time off to rejuvenate.

When I was starting my business, I used to work all the time…but what I realized is that never having any time “away” really affected my thinking and abilities.

I had to truly dedicate myself to having time away from the business. Now, that means weekends, especially. I try to stay offline and use that time to rejuvenate myself and get some clarity.

Enjoy Your Holiday Season!

I hope you enjoyed this episode about how to nourish your creativity! – the Off The Charts Podcast will return again at the end of January!

The Momentum Memo
Off The Charts Business Podcast with Nathalie Lussier
The Off The Charts Business Podcast is for multi-passionate entrepreneurs. Here you’ll learn how to design a scalable business to spend more time outside away from the screen, through actionable ideas, real-world examples, and pep talks from your host Nathalie Lussier, founder of AccessAlly.
Nathalie Lussier started making websites when she was 12 years old, and graduated with a degree in Software Engineering and a job offer from Wall Street. In a gutsy move, she turned down this job to start her own business right out of college.
Today, Nathalie is the CEO of the AccessAlly WordPress plugin for ambitious course creators, membership site owners, and community builders. She has been featured in Forbes, Inc., Fast Company, Venture Beat, Mashable, Business Insider, Yahoo! Finance, and Under 30 CEO.