The Momentum Memo
Off The Charts Business Podcast with Nathalie Lussier
Behind The Scenes – Publishing Regularly With a Content Calendar

Behind The Scenes – Publishing Regularly With a Content Calendar

publishing with a content calendar

This is a really special episode because we’re going behind the scenes in my business to talk about publishing with a content calendar. I’m joined by Maria Myre, AmbitionAlly’s own technical writer & editor.

Throughout this episode, the focus is on the importance of publishing regularly with a content calendar, but also how to streamline the process so that it works for us.

Publishing regularly is such a huge part of staying at the forefront of the online business game … but it can really get stressful without the right organization in place.

And that’s why Maria points out that our editorial calendar only works with a lot of planning and organization. For us, this consists of two main tools: CoSchedule and Asana.

CoSchedule lets us to see at a glance what we have coming up in the schedule, and create social media campaigns to promote the content as it’s published.

Asana allows us to create templates that outline every step that goes into creating and sharing our blog posts. These templates totally save valuable brainpower for coming up with new ideas and crafting amazing articles to answer the most pressing problems of our clients.

In addition to the tools, we also dive into what our keyword research looks like and why topic brainstorming is so high on our priority list.

So if you’re wondering what someone else’s content planning process looks like, you’ll definitely love the insights shared in this episode.

And you get to hear from Maria, our own in-house content strategist who’s built her own career by making sure our blog (and other word-needs!) are super high-quality and effective.

Listen in!

The Momentum Memo
Off The Charts Business Podcast with Nathalie Lussier
The Off The Charts Business Podcast is for multi-passionate entrepreneurs. Here you’ll learn how to design a scalable business to spend more time outside away from the screen, through actionable ideas, real-world examples, and pep talks from your host Nathalie Lussier, founder of AccessAlly.
Nathalie Lussier started making websites when she was 12 years old, and graduated with a degree in Software Engineering and a job offer from Wall Street. In a gutsy move, she turned down this job to start her own business right out of college.
Today, Nathalie is the CEO of the AccessAlly WordPress plugin for ambitious course creators, membership site owners, and community builders. She has been featured in Forbes, Inc., Fast Company, Venture Beat, Mashable, Business Insider, Yahoo! Finance, and Under 30 CEO.