The Momentum Memo
Off The Charts Business Podcast with Nathalie Lussier
# 123 Our Big Announcement – Baby On The Way

# 123 Our Big Announcement – Baby On The Way

Off The Charts Business Podcast

In this special episode of the Off The Charts podcast, I’m super excited to announce that Robin and I are expecting our first baby in early 2016!

When we announced that this was going to be our last Off The Charts live event because we were planning to start a family, we had no idea how quickly that dream would come true.

Now that we’re just months away from the big arrival, and the countdown for baby Li-Lussier is on… we’ve been hard at work making sure that everything is ready both at home and in business.

Which has been lighting a fire under our buns to get more of our software products out into the world. (We’ve also been on a hiring spree, so that things keep running smoothly when I take some downtime to get to know our little one.)

And today we’re finally ready to announce our brand new WordPress plugin, called WebinarAlly.

We’ve already had hundreds of people grab their copy of WebinarAlly, and we’re so pumped to be seeing business owners everywhere who had never done a webinar before hit it out of the ballpark.

So whether you’re a parent, thinking about it, or you just want to run a webinar… you’ll enjoy this episode and get a sense for our take on the whole “becoming a mom” while “running a business” thing.

Thanks so much for all of your support, encouragement, and for listening to the Off The Charts podcast. I love recording it, and creating new software tools for you, too!

The Momentum Memo
Off The Charts Business Podcast with Nathalie Lussier
The Off The Charts Business Podcast is for multi-passionate entrepreneurs. Here you’ll learn how to design a scalable business to spend more time outside away from the screen, through actionable ideas, real-world examples, and pep talks from your host Nathalie Lussier, founder of AccessAlly.
Nathalie Lussier started making websites when she was 12 years old, and graduated with a degree in Software Engineering and a job offer from Wall Street. In a gutsy move, she turned down this job to start her own business right out of college.
Today, Nathalie is the CEO of the AccessAlly WordPress plugin for ambitious course creators, membership site owners, and community builders. She has been featured in Forbes, Inc., Fast Company, Venture Beat, Mashable, Business Insider, Yahoo! Finance, and Under 30 CEO.