Are you ready to turn your entrepreneurial ship around? As an entrepreneur it is easy to change direction in your business and it happens all of the time. Being nimble and being willing to change with the tides is what makes entrepreneurs who they are. On this podcast I share some entrepreneurs to check out who have successfully made course corrections in their businesses.
As well as these steps on how to turn your entrepreneurial ship around without capsizing
1. Figure out your motivation on changing directions
2. Once you’ve figured out the new plan, explain it to your crew
3. When to put your colleges on board
4. Let your passengers know there will be different stops along the way
5. There’s no time like the present to move your sails and rudder, to change direction ASAP.
I also share with you my personal course corrections from Raw Food Switch, to Raw Foods Witch, to Nathalie Lussier Media Inc., to Ambition Ally.
Listen to the podcast above to dive deeper with me, and share your course corrections with us below.
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#098 How to turn your entrepreneurial ship around without capsizing