Such a great perspective. Thank you for sharing!

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Yay happy to hear it was a useful perspective! Love seeing you kicking butt at writing screenplays too!

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May 21Liked by Nathalie Lussier

I really needed this reminder. What I do for my business can perpetually feel like "never enough", and I made the mistake of starting many new features from this assumption that my app didn't do enough or wasn't impressive enough. But I've not had the energy to perfect or maintain them and so they're hidden for now.

Part of me feels I am inherently not enough; this is where it comes from for me. But if there is no real survival need to do it, why deplete ourselves by chasing an idea of success which is not authentic or truly supportive to us (or others) anyway?

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I both completely understand the desire to want to make your app (or any product/service) as amazing as it can be and to have it do so much... and also realizing that spreading yourself thin isn't a good long term strategy. :)

And ouf "inherently not enough" is a big one, too. If we flip the script and come from a place of "there's always enough, I am enough" then it takes the edge off. We just need to constantly remind ourselves of it, which is easier said than done right?! ;)

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