Sep 5Liked by Nathalie Lussier

I agree! As someone who has mainly been a consumer of online content, there is so much 'copy and paste' it really stands out when someone shows originality.

I get that there's no point reinventing the wheel, and it would be a waste to ignore what works if we're going into it with a specific goal in mind (everyone has some kind of intention). Maybe there is an argument for learning the rules before you choose to break them. But seeing someone take a unique approach is so refreshing! Since it's a social space however, there can also be that fear of failing publicly when breaking the mould. Or just time wasted trying something which didn't work out. But then, you can always pivot.

I think I've come from the opposite side, imitation and trends tend to bother me more than they should. So I've been working on seeing the positive and fun side to them.

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Ooh it's interesting how you pick up on the trends and imitation and it bothers you more. I suspect we all do that a bit, too. :) I totally agree that it's worth experimenting and giving your yourself the chance to pivot if it doesn't work out!

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Sep 6Liked by Nathalie Lussier

"The norms reinforce themselves.

Then we might start to ask ourselves if we're really showing up with our own creativity, or just an echo of someone else's?"

I was thinking of the same thing this week as I was working on content for my new YouTube channel. Your post reminds me that ability to be myself is a strength. Thanks!

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It really is a strength, so glad you're going to be testing things out on your new YouTube channel too!

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