Jun 19Liked by Nathalie Lussier

Hi Nathalie, I really resonated with this post!

The fences you talk of can be boundaries that also exist in the holistic therapeutic world, of which I'm technically part of., and yes we live in a boundaried world that keeps us safe and yet can also keep us small...however I also appreciate your diversity with what you do, and acknowledging how we all have different boundaries, rhythms, ways of doing and being - i say this because i've decided to create an online business, but am most definitely not from corporate, and am quite haphazard in the way I work, and definitely not great at multitasking (I used to think i was, but only in the sense of getting distracted easily..)

Also resonate with your connection and references with nature.

Have just joined substack, so have no newsletter as of yet, only lots of old blog posts on my pedestrian website to reinvent...

Thanks, with respect

Helene x

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So glad to hear it Helene! And I love that you have older blog posts that you can reinvent already. The idea of boundaries definitely works for the fences metaphor too!

I'm cheering you and your online business on!

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Thanks Nathalie!

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